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Future-proof tourism region

Tourism plays an important role for business in Kreis Viersen. As such, stimulating and developing the tourism sector is one of our most important tasks.

The Schwalm-Nette Nature Park makes Kreis Viersen an important part of the Lower Rhine region as a tourist destination. The impressive number of overnight stays in the region is proof of this. Until 2019, the number of overnight stays increased continuously. Sixty-seven companies accounted for approximately 368,000 overnight stays in 2019.

As a shareholder in the regional destination marketing organisation (DMO) Niederrhein Tourismus GmbH, we conduct tourism marketing and coordination in Kreis Viersen within the framework of the regional tourism strategy of Niederrhein Tourismus. We are active in tourism networks and working groups of Niederrhein Tourismus GmbH and represent the district and its municipalities at regional and national fairs together with Niederrhein Tourismus under the regional brand “Niederrhein. so gut. so weit”

We aim to offer our guests engaging experiences and create good conditions for promoting our tourism region.

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Facts & Figures

We are responsible for promoting and coordinating tourism in Kreis Viersen and contributing to our tourism region’s future sustainability. We are the first point of contact for companies in Kreis Viersen for all tourism issues. We provide information, offer advice and are happy to make data available on request.

Supra-regional marketing

We are shareholders of the regional destination marketing organisation (DMO) Niederrhein Tourismus GmbH. We conduct marketing, sales, quality management and the development of tourism offerings in close cooperation with Niederrhein Tourismus, in line with the regional strategy. We contribute to tourism quality management by classifying holiday homes and hotels.

Networks and projects

As a shareholder of Niederrhein Tourismus GmbH, we promote the tourism interests of Kreis Viersen. Companies can become partners of Niederrhein Tourismus through us, becoming part of tourism networks and projects in doing so. In addition to meetings and networking events, they receive the Niederrhein Tourismus B2B newsletter with important industry information.

Partners & Networks

News & Dates

Urlaub und Freizeit in der Region ist angesagt

Gemeinschaftsstand des Kreises Viersen auf der Touristikmesse in Kalkar Auch 2022 ist Urlaub in Deutschland stark gefragt. Das machte die Touristikmesse Niederrhein im Messe- und Kongresszentrum Kalkar deutlich. Dort präsentierte[...]

„Grefrath hat sich bestens präsentiert“

„Natürlich sind wir enttäuscht, dass Grefrath den Zuschlag für die Landesgartenschau 2026 nicht erhalten hat“, sagt Martina Baumgärtner, Geschäftsführerin der Niederrhein Tourismus GmbH und Prokuristin der Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft (WFG) Kreis Viersen.[...]

Start in die Freizeitsaison

Kreis Viersen präsentiert sich auf der Touristikmesse Niederrhein Mit Schwung und Elan in die Freizeitsaison: Das ist das Motto der Touristikmesse Niederrhein am 2. und 3. April im Messe- und[...]

Landesgartenschau 2026: Die Bewerbung ist auf dem Weg

Die Bewerbung ist offiziell auf dem Weg, 2026 soll Grefrath Ort der Landesgartenschau NRW sein. Wie die LaGa 2026 aussehen soll, verdeutlicht anschaulich die Bewerbungsbroschüre, die die beauftragten Planungsbüros erstellt[...]


Tourism plays an important role in Kreis Viersen. The impressive number of overnight stays in the region is proof of this. Until 2019, the number of overnight stays increased continuously. 67 companies accounted for approximately 368,000 overnight stays in 2019.

We are responsible for promoting and coordinating tourism, providing incentives and serving as an expert point of contact for all tourism-related questions. Our cooperation with Niederrhein Tourismus means you also benefit from supra-regional and national marketing, networks and working groups.

If you still have questions,

I am happy to help.