Sustainable construction
Sustainable construction and renovation
Sustainable construction and renovation offer added value for people, the environment and business. The construction industry’s future is sustainable and healthy; companies must respond to change while remaining profitable. We are happy to advise you on future-proofing your company, focusing on the added value for people, the environment and business.
We strive for a functioning, circular economy with innovative and competitive companies in Kreis Viersen. We help you identify and locate future-oriented options for sustainable construction. We encourage the development of strong networks and organise practical meetings that make sustainable and healthy construction a reality.
More knowledge in a shorter time frame
Nachhaltiges Bauen ist nicht teuer, sondern lohnt sich am Ende immer. Durch die Kreislaufwirtschaft werden Rohstofflager aufgebaut. Durch kluge Lösungen werden die Betriebskosten reduziert. Wir bieten die die entsprechenden Kontakte zu den Fachleuten.
Der Mensch im Fokus
Beim nachhaltigen und gesunden Bauen steht der Mensch im Fokus. Eine gute Umgebung schafft eine Wohlfühlatmosphäre. Die Folge: Menschen fühlen sich gut, sind zufriedener, weniger krank und können so produktiver an ihrem Arbeitsplatz sein.
Klima- und Ressourcenschutz
Durch nachhaltiges Bauen wird eine lebenswerte Umwelt geschaffen und für zukünftige Generationen erhalten. Durch die Beteiligung am Projekt Healthy Building Network verfügen wir über langjährige Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich und haben ein großes Netzwerk aufgebaut.
Initiatives & projects
Healthy Building Network
Healthy Building Network
The new Kreisarchiv Viersen
The new Kreisarchiv Viersen
Healthy buildings and sustainability concepts are becoming increasingly important for the construction industry and living and working in the future. This is essential to ensuring that future generations can live in an intact and healthy environment. Kreis Viersen subscribed to this principle years ago; by 2025, three new buildings will be constructed according to the circular criteria.
The first building—the new Kreisarchiv Viersen building—is being constructed according to the circular economy criteria and is almost finished.
News & Dates
Ready for the future
The construction industry is one of the most important industries in Germany. 10.5 per cent of the national GDP is spent on construction investment. However, the construction industry is also a material and waste intensive industry. A change of thinking is needed, and the construction industry must undergo a sustainability shift. We strive for a circular economy and help companies prepare for a sustainable future.
If you still have questions,
I am happy to help.